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News Archive

Jan 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

The greeting message from the band

News on the eve of New year – it’s the best gift, isn’t it?!

From official site: Finally, I am pleased to tell you that the recordings of the fifth album have been finished on most parts and the sound engineer will start the mixing process at the very beginning of January.

But Henri’s message on the official forum is more interesting in my opinion. Now we can understand reasons – why a recording process is so dragged on:

there´s an update on the news section. The mixing starts soon…

Believe me, I know your pain. We have been working with this album for so long that i cant even remember when we originally started this damn process… must be over three years ago at least. (or was it four..?)

But anyway, this is the only reasonable way for us to make an album, little by little trying out different stuff and approaches. The next album will top everything we have done before, it will push the boundaries and sound just like we want it to sound. There is just no way we could have done this album like we did all the previous ones; book a studio and come out after two weeks with mixed mastertape and 5000 euro bill. If we would have chosen that path we would have a lame fifth album that would sound like quicksilver clouds part 2.

We have been very fortunate to use Timo Kotipelto´s own studio for the recordings that we have done so far. Of course the use has been limited, because of Timo´s own recordings which are naturally a top priority for him. The sound engineer who works with us is also involved in many other projects working full time and recording and mixing whenever possible.

As in many other things in life things tend to get more complicated when we get older, we have jobs, kids, etc. that take our time. Sadly it´s not like in the beginning when we could only concentrate on the band stuff. A project as vast as this one gets easily delayed when there are so many people and factors involved in it.

Sure, I would love to have the album on my hands right now, it would be such a huge relief! But it´s there on my harddrive, unmixed, and all I can tell you is that it´s an amazing album. It´s a genuine piece of art. And I truly hope that we can get it out to you people as soon as possible. We will do our best.

